Leona Valley Improvement Association
A community based organization that manages the Leona Valley Community Building, hosts events throughout the year and publishes a local newsletter.
L.A. County Supervisor, Fifth District, Kathryn Barger
State Senator Scott Wilk
848 W. Lancaster Blvd, Suite 101
Lancaster, CA 93534
Phone: (661) 729-6232
State Assembly Representative Tom Lackey
California State Insurance Commissioner 877-401-9550
Palmdale Sheriff's Station
CERT - https://www.antelopevalleycert.org/
Fire Preparedness - https://www.fire.ca.gov/
Red Cross Emergency Preparedness
FEMA Emergency Preparedness – https://www.ready.gov/
California Water Service Company
Southern California Edison (SCE) Report an outage: 1-800-611-1911
Check on outages: https://www.sce.com/outage-center?from=/outages or call 1-888-759-6056
Wildfire Mitigation Plan www.sce.com/wildfire
SCE High Fire Risk Maps www.sce.com/maps
Fire Cameras- www.alertwildfire.org
Weather Stations – https://mesowest.utah.edu/
CPUC Wildfire Maps Information - www.cpuc.ca.gov/wildfiresinfo/
L.A. County Public Works
L.A. County Regional Planning
L.A. County On-line Departments
L.A. County Parks and Recreation
Parks Needs Presentation - see below
Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Association
The Pacific Crest Trail runs through Leona Valley near 107th Street.
Antelope Valley Conservancy
Antelope Valley Resource Conservation District Nursery
Has lots of native plants for sale.
Antelope Valley Audubon