By filing out this form our entire community can receive lower insurance premiums. Forms can be turned in to the Town Council box at Rancher's Market.
Firewise documents (pdf)
DownloadLeona Valley was formed by the activity of the San Andreas Fault which runs along Elizabeth Lake Road. A major earthquake could occur at any time so it is important to always be prepared. Here are some helpful links:
Living in Earthquake country
California Earthquake Authority
Seismic Hazards Zonation Program
The LVTC included Dark Sky provisions in the original CSDs. They were so well written that Los Angeles County adopted them in 2012 to apply to the entire unincorporated area a few years ago. Here is a link to the ordinance to help everyone understand the lighting that is allowed in Leona Valley to help preserve our dark skies.
Emergency preparedness is of utmost importance for residents of rural areas. We have a local Neighborhood Watch, as well as many residents who have taken the CERT training. Community Emergency Response Team trains residents on disaster preparedness and first aid to help protect their communities in case of emergencies.