Leona Valley was the first community to enact a Community Standards District back in 1989. Our Town Council did not even exist yet, so the preparation of the CSDs was done by the Leona Valley Improvement Association, primarily Mary Ann Floyd. She put together a small booklet of over 20 pages to convince L.A. County of the necessity of protecting our rural lifestyle. She was so successful that most rural areas in the unincorporated county now have CSDs. Her presentation, which is a nice walk down memory lane in 1989 and includes some great old photos of Leona Valley, can be downloaded from the FILE section at the bottom of this page.
Los Angeles Regional Planning is in the process of preparing new and revised CSDs for all of the Antelope Valley Rural Town Councils. They have designed a new website to make it easier for everyone to be a part of the process. You can find all their information here: http://planning.lacounty.gov/site/avcsd/.
The LV Town Council Land Use Committee has worked with Regional Planning for many years to formulate CSDs that best represent the concerns of our community.
The L.A. County Regional Planning Commission approved the CSDs at their hearing on December 9, 2020. It was also approved by the L.A. County Board of Supervisors at their April, 2021 meeting. It has been reviewed by County Counsel and submitted back to the Board for final approval. They adopted it on August 10 and the new CSDs go into effect on September 10, 2021. See below for final version.
If you have questions or concerns about the CSDs you can contact the Town Council at lvtc@leonavalleytc.org.